Welcome to TJ'sheArt

Tammy, born and raised in Cedar Rapids, is an artist, retired human resources manager, and has been a passionate advocate for helping people for over 30 years.

After earning her BA in art, Tammy embarked on a free-spirited journey of self-discovery, healing from childhood trauma and addiction. Her art continues to be a vital part of her personal growth.

Tammy’s passions include painting, photography, and sharing the energy healing techniques she has mastered over the past 40 years.

She navigates life with contagious optimism and a kind, mystic energy. Her drive to create art and explore Universal Healing Energies is reflected in her work.

Tammy believes that by letting go of self-limiting beliefs, you can achieve anything. The universe is ready to support you!

Her goal is to create art that sparks conversations about healing, Universal Energy, and discovering your Higher Self, whether you call it God, Spirit, Universe, or Mind/Body/Soul.

Welcome to TJ’sheArt!



Step to the stage with confidence!! Forged for a 1st Place Finish, competition tan combines the latest in sunless technology with high science for total success!



Our most hydrating and moisturizing formula utilizes micro-nutrient technology delivers a tan full of vitamins and antioxidants. Development time is 12-24 hours. Excellent choice for clients who need a boost in hydration.



Just-off-the-Beach formula mimics skin tones found on the beautiful beaches of the European Riviera. Development time is 12-24 hours. Great for all skin tones.



Just-off-the-Beach formula mimics skin tones found on the beautiful beaches of the European Riviera. Development time is 12-24 hours. Great for all skin tones.

More you may need to know about your visit.

tips for best results with your spray tan

Post-tan Tips

Traci will tell you all this at your appointment, but if you are like most you will spend your time chatting and be excited and

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tips for best results with your spray tan

Pre-tan Tips

At Traci Lynn Lifestyle you will find  it to be a judgement free zone  Basically come as you are.  BUT here are a few tips

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Skin Care

Skin Care by Traci Lynn Lifestyle

Pomifera products are simply-formulated, honestly produced and humbly packaged. We believe that a net-zero Carbon footprint is something to be proud of. What you pay for is highly effective, precisely formulated and carefully produced with clean ingredients, nothing more.

Find out if Pomifera is right for you. Book a consult today!


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nun sit amet dolor at odio faucibus aliquam sit amet nec orci. Praesent eleifend gravida eleifend. Sed id turpis tincidunt, dapibus turpis sed, pretium dhhjk cjjsjsblp snh felis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nun sit amet dolor at odio faucibus aliquam sit amet nec orci. Praesent eleifend gravida eleifend. Sed id turpis tincidunt, dapibus turpis sed, pretium dhhjk cjjsjsblp snh felis.

Seint Makeup

Seint makeup is designed to simplify your beauty routine by only having to apply one layer of makeup from one simple compact. Great for all skin types. We specialize in mature and aging skin.

Be confident in the makeup products you use! Book a color matching consult today!

Simplify your beauty Routine

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nun sit amet dolor at odio faucibus aliquam sit amet nec orci. Praesent eleifend gravida eleifend. Sed id turpis tincidunt, dapibus turpis sed, pretium dhhjk cjjsjsblp snh felis.

Created for all skin types

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nun sit amet dolor at odio faucibus aliquam sit amet nec orci. Praesent eleifend gravida eleifend. Sed id turpis tincidunt, dapibus turpis sed, pretium dhhjk cjjsjsblp snh felis.

Specializing in mature and aging skin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nun sit amet dolor at odio faucibus aliquam sit amet nec orci. Praesent eleifend gravida eleifend. Sed id turpis tincidunt, dapibus turpis sed, pretium dhhjk cjjsjsblp snh felis.

Certified in Raindrop Therapy

We are excited to announce that Traci is a Certified Raindrop Therapist!  Coming soon – you can schedule appointments with her to experience the incredible benefits of Raindrop Therapy. If you’re new to Essential Oils (EO), Traci is here to guide you. She offers free educational classes that delve into the world of EO and its healing properties.

For those looking to deepen their knowledge, Traci provides advanced EO classes and personalized one-on-one instruction on how to make the most of these oils. And if you’re already familiar with EO or curious about Young Living products, Traci is a dedicated brand partner with Young Living.

Ready to embark on your wellness journey? Contact us today for a complimentary consultation.

Retreats And Professional Coaching

self care to the next level

Guided retreats at home or away as well as personal coaching services take your self care journey to a whole new level. Connect today to find out which options work best for you.

For more information or to book a consult today!

Retreat Away

Coming Soon information about Florida Retreat 2025.

Vista Celestial Costa Rica February 2024! Yoga retreat. Recap. 

Contact us directly for pricing and additional information

Meet Traci – your small business owner, cancer survivor, spray tan artist, cosmetic consultant, self care advocate, personal coach, ordained spiritual advisor, and retreat facilitator.  Read More

If you have questions about the services or products contact Traci and she will help you find what is right for you.  

Retreat near home

Retreat at home.  Traci will be hosting staycations and near home retreats packed with self-care and recharging activities. 

Contact us to get more information.

Buzz About The Retreat

What our clients had to say about the Sisters Retreat

Wherever you are we are ready to pamper you!